Low light transmittance glass

Application Number: 200480025956.1 Application date: 2004.08.11
name: Low light transmittance glass
Public (announcement) number: CN1849272 Public (announcement) day: 2006.10.18
Main classification number: C03C3/087(2006.01)I The original application number of the division:
Classification number: C03C3/087(2006.01)I; C03C4/02(2006.01)I
Award day: priority: 2003.8.13 BE 2003/0446
Application (patent) person: Gravo Bell
address: Brussels, Belgium
Invention (design) person: L. Delmert; V. Diou; M. Van Dennist International application: 2004-08-11 PCT/EP2004/051774
International announcement: 2005-02-24 WO2005/016840 Method Enter country date: 2006.03.09
Patent agency: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Patent and Trademark Office agent: Cai Shengyou
The glass according to the present invention has a composition of the soda-calcium type to which a coloring component is added in the following weight ratio: Fe2O3: 1.1-1.5% (total amount of iron in the composition), Co: 150-200 ppm, Cr2O3: 325 -100 ppm, Se: 10-50 ppm, MnO: less than 600 ppm, TiO2: less than 0.1%. The composition of the composition, especially the proportion of the coloring component, is selected such that the light transmittance TLA4 at a thickness of 4 mm is less than 20% and the energy transmittance TE4 (moon) is less than 20%.


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