Characteristics of Hetian Biyu

The color of Hetian Biyu is spinach green, and the light is not transparent. Look at the natural stripes formed inside. There are black spots inside, and the light is restrained. When you touch it in your hand for a while, you will feel the oily texture. The color is very green, the light is very transparent, there are stripes, there are color differences, and most of the black spots are Qinghai jade or Russian jade. Hetian Biyu is oily and heavy, and most of them have black spots. The Russians are dry and beautiful, and most of them have sugar.

Hetian Biyu has always had the "five virtues", that is, the tough texture, the lustrous luster, the beautiful color, the dense and transparent organization, and the sound of Shu Yang Zhiyuan. It is no wonder that the Chinese people are so fond of Hetian Biyu. However, the overheated investment market is mixed, and it is not easy to practice a pair of eyes.

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